Below you can read summaries of my published and ongoing work.
Was there ever an ocean on Mars?
Hughes, C. M., et al., (2019). Deltaic deposits indicative of a paleo-coastline at Aeolis Dorsa, Mars. Icarus, 317, 442-453.
Located north of Mars’ hemispheric dichotomy, Aeolis Dorsa is home to some of the most extensive preserved river deposits on the surface of Mars. They come in the form of topographically-inverted ridges, and are thought to be over 3.5 billion years old.
We examined a particular set of stacked branching ridge networks in the southeast Aeolis Dorsa region. Using stereo-photogrammetry, we analyzed superposition relationships and stratigraphic architecture to determine that these branching networks were the preserved remnants of a long-lived river delta system. These results, along with some others nearby, strongly indicate the presence of a large and long-lived standing body of water in the northern lowlands. This is exciting because some hypothesize that the north lowlands on Mars could have been the home to an ocean!

Do rivers on Earth and Mars behave similarly when they get close to coastlines?
Hughes, C. M., et al., (2024). Estimates for Backwater Length of River Delta Deposits at Aeolis Dorsa , Mars. Geophysical Research Letters (submitted).
During my PhD research, I have taken another look at these rocks in Aeolis Dorsa. Using a relationship established for terrestrial deltas by Fernandes et al. (2016), where normalized channel belt widths decrease with proximity to the coast (see below), we noticed they reach a characteristic width range from ~2-5 at one backwater length. The backwater length of a river can be thought of simply as the distance upstream where a river starts to “feel” the presence of a standing body of water at its terminus. For example, the distance upstream of the Gulf Coast that the Mississippi River starts behaving slightly different due to the Gulf of Mexico. For the Mississippi River, the backwater length is ~200km.

We measured the width of sandy river deposits (aka channel belts) on Mars (seen above) and then calculated the backwater length using each backwater/belt-width window (seen below).

With established values for backwater length, we can then map out how far upstream these rivers on Mars were “feeling” the putative coastline (coastline shown in blue in panel a below and orange shows the start of the backwater zone).

Part of the reason it is so exciting to have an estimate for backwater length, is that on Mars, estimating grainsize for these river systems is very challenging. Unfortunately, if we want to make any calculations that would allow us to estimate the longevity of these systems, or really anything about their paleo-hydrology, we need a grainsize estimate. Fortunately, from an estimated backwater length, we can get to an estimate for grainsize! So, these new results provide an entirely new method for backing our way into grainsize, which will avail new and refined estimates for how much water was flowing through this system billions of years ago on Mars.
Are there places we can look for life on Mars? Was there ever fresh water?
Hughes, C. M., et al., (2023). Sources of Clay‐Rich Sediment in Eberswalde Crater, Mars With Implications for Biopreservation Potential. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128(4), e2022JE007545.
Eberswalde crater is home to one of the most pristinely preserved river deposits on the surface of Mars. The deposit, widely thought to be another ancient deltaic system, has been a perennial contender for rover mission locations during the planning stages.
We took a close look at the minerals in Eberswalde crater, and in the area around it. We found that there was an abundance of clay minerals (Saponite and Nontronite) that form when water interacts with basaltic minerals. These ‘aqueous alteration minerals’ were found in the large plateau to the west (Northwest Noachis Terra), in the drainage basin that leads to the delta, and in the delta itself. Where they outcrop in the plateau, they look like they may have formed from processes similar to how soil forms on Earth. These clay minerals are also potential hosts for biomarkers of past life! Therefore, with sediment containing these minerals being concentrated in the delta, it is possible that there may be evidence of past life in a small, rover-accessible area, in Eberswalde crater!

To accomplish these impressive results, we first scoped out the river delta deposits using visual wave-length images of the surface of Mars taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) seen below. The tiny stars labeled with yellow letters are the spots where we extracted hyperspectral data that was also recovered by the MRO.

Once extracting the hyperspectral data, correcting for atmosphere, sunlight incidence angle, and a few other things, we were able to compare the spectral curves to known minerals we’ve catalogued here on Earth. As it turns out, these bumpy lines are very similar to clay minerals, saponite and nontronite! Viola, there are clays in Eberswalde and the surrounding area.
Since there are clays, there must have been a fresh water lake here at some point in Mars’ history! How cool is that?

We also used numerical models to help us in understanding how the impacts that created the nearby craters may have displaced, or spread out, the clays over the local area.

By calculating the amount of mass ejected from each crater, we were able to model the thickness of their combined ejecta if none of the material had been eroded since the impact events (though we acknowledge this isn’t likely and some erosion has certainly occurred).

We then measured the depth of the valleys that fed the crater lake to see if the formative rivers had eroded all the way through the layers of ejecta into the deeper rocks using digital elevation models. The results of our measurements indicated that the rivers likely never eroded through the total thickness of the eject in any region of the watershed.

What can we learn about the rocks and rivers on Mars from the rocks and rivers we find on Earth?
Cardenas, B. T., Mohrig, D. C., Goudge, T. A., Hughes, C. M., Levy, J., Swanson, T., & Mason, J. (2018, December). Anatomy of exhumed river channel-belts. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Hughes, C. M., et al., (2024). The Wedington Sandstone: A Terrestrial Analog for Topographically Inverted River Delta Deposits on Mars. (In preparation).
One of the most difficult challenges planetary scientists face is that most of our datasets come from orbital spacecraft and that the rocks we analyze are very far away. However, planet Earth provides us with an abundance of analogous processes and outcrops by which to compare, and if we can develop a deep understanding of the great detail on Earth then we can expect to gain a more informed understanding of what we observe from orbit on other planets’ surfaces.
Below are some images from central Utah of river deposits very much like what we see from space on the surface of Mars!

There are similar rocks with way more vegetation around them in Northwest Arkansas where I am currently working as a PhD Candidate.

I have visited an abundance of these deposits around northwest Arkansas, southern Missouri, and northeast Oklahoma. At each location I record measurements that tell me which way the water was flowing, and how deep the rivers were when they were flowing ~300 million years ago!

I then combine remotely sensed data (e.g., LiDAR) with my field observations to build an understanding of the entire river delta system!

We analyze the flow direction measurements at a variety of scales, from a single ridge (above) to the entire region (below).

From this analysis of rocks on Earth we endeavor to learn more about the rocks on Mars.